And so the walk is done.

You know what… missing Glastonbury, camping for nearly 6 weeks and wearing the same clothes day in day out has ALL been worth it. It has been a week since I completed the walk and I still feel very strange being inside so much and not on the road with the map and bag. I think I need a little more time before I can actually say wow well done Hannah you have walked over 400 miles. And all that money you guys donated! I truly feel so happy to be apart of the TWOWEEKS team and to say I walked for them, I know I keep going on about it and all the thank you’s and all the waffle but I feel so over the moon that little ol’ me walked all that way, it brings a tear to my eye 🙂

And so now back to reality, what to do with the rest of my life? All my energy for the last 6,7,8 months has been in planning the walk, the route, the training, eating well, learning about nature, how can I put all of this into practice and use it for the rest of my life?

Many things to think about, I think I could go walking some more perhaps? Who knows…

The last day! 

Hello everyone! 

I tried to post last night but it failed and I was so tired. I have been feeling more and more tired as the last week has come to a close I think my mind is ready to stop. 

Today is my last and final day walking! My goodness I can’t believe it is over and I am actually saying it. What a journey…. 

I want to thank all the lovely people for their donations, their support, their genuine kindness, we humans can sometimes pull together and I really have felt blessed. 

A huge thank you goes to Karen for putting up with me yesterday and my madness! I have such belief in TWOWEEKS and the work that is being done. I am proud to walk for the charity, very very proud to be apart of it all. 

I think this walk is going to bring big changes to my life and I do feel like a calmer better person. I am ready for what is to come! I am the happiest I have ever been and I think it is because I have left go of my fears and also all that nature I’ve been surrounded by. Glorious! 

A huge thank you to the lovely ladies at The Old Bell for the lovely scallops and a little smile, that was a hard day so thank you. 

Here is to the last day and to the many more adventures to come! Today I walk from Harrow to Twickenham, my final destination, a final 11 miles. 

Thank you to everyone and of course any last donations, you know what to do! Click here

One last round of photos from the last few days of walking, I covered Bedford to Flitwick to Luton to St. Albans. 

See you on the other side! 


And the sun is shining! 

Good morning everyone!
So today is a wonderful day as the lovely Karen and Bob are joining me on route for a days walking. We are in Flitwick heading to Luton. We had a wonderful breakfast this morning… Eggs eggs eggs! 

We have a 10 mile walk ahead of us which will be nice, not too far for the newbies 😉 

So close to home it is incredible I don’t think it will set in until a few days after I’ve finished. I want to go on the adventure all over again, I am going to miss walking so so much. I just have found such a happiness in walking. Everyday I look forward to walking. It’s an incredible thing and there will be so many more adventures to come! 

The last few days have been pretty similar just getting the miles done, the roads are busier, there is less nature for me to immerse myself in, it is just a different experience altogether. I mean there are so many people! And no one says hello to me anymore. I will miss the happy villages, the quiet peaceful soundless skies. I feel finally at one with myself. Glorious!

Karen and are are getting ready in our beautiful manor hotel, and off we go! 


Good morning 

A few stories to share after a little slacking on the blogging. 

So I’m now walking alone and have been for the last two days which has been nice, my bag has been getting to me a bit as I load up on food it is just such a lump! I haven’t had a day off since last Thursday so Sunday I will rest I believe. 

So the last week has been magical we’ve had such a wonderful time, lots of sun, lots of laughing and just getting those miles done! Meeting just a whole bunch a beautiful people welllll only one small hiccup, there has to be one! 

So we decided to do a few public footpaths one day, you know… Cut the miles down. We were following the path exactly and we came across an amazing, what looked like unused airstrip. We played aeroplanes as you do and then followed the path through a farmers farm, which I’ve done before with no hassle. But then we reached a point where we weren’t sure where the path went and we’re doing some map reading and suddenly two shot gun fires are fired over in our direction. 50 metres away! The noise! The fear struck through my soul. I thought this is it this is the end of me. Not even going to make it to the end of the walk! Ha. 

But no it was fine, it was either the farmer warning us to F off his land, a warning that there was a microlight coming in for landing. Or who knows. Someone sure had the grump with us. But what an adrenalin rush that was! 

Apart from that everything is going swimmingly. I am now in Chelveston, in a very cosy clean sort of apartment style B and B which is very nice. Great owners. A huge thank you for putting me up! 

A couple of days and I will be in Bedford and then Karen and Bob join me. I am getting closer to the end and all those people who I know sercretly didn’t believe in me, well I think I might actually make it! Just watch these little legs GO. 


Goooood morning! 

Hello everyone and what a glorious morning it is. I’ve made it to Newark on Trent a very sweet little village/town. We are camping near a fishery which is very beautiful. This morning I got up for a wee and the Ducks were sat chilling in the sun the lake was so still and beautiful, it really was a delight after all this walking to see such a peaceful scene. 

Today is a rest day! Wahey! I think we are going to head into Lincoln to get a few bits and bobs and just relax and not walk too much! 

The pigeon is singing his darn song again right next to my head which is always a pleasure. He has the strangest tweet it’s like a deep croaky old man singing the same song over and over. All the wood pigeons sing the same song! It’s not like the beautiful black birds and blue tits that are all tweet tweet cute happy tweets. No no. If you’ve heard it you’ll know what I mean… 

A few snaps of yesterday 🙂 enjoy! Only a few weeks and I shall be home and it will all be over. 


Karin, Katy and little ol’ Betsy

oh what a delightful day we’ve had! The four of us! Karin and Katy, fellow TWOWEEKS volunteers joined me walking for a day and Katy brought along her gorgeous dog Betsy. It was such a treat to have some girls time. So a big thank you to them for joining and giving me a bit of a lighter day. 

We walk about 10 miles from Retford to Tuxford and then stopped for a really tasty lunch in the local cafe ChilliPetals, which also had an art gallery. We received two donations from the ladies at the cafe so a big thank you to them for all the support 🙂 

A really sunny lovely day with the girls here are a few snaps. 


The last 3 miles of the day… 

So I’m just walking to Retford at the moment. I have a pretty decent path and I’ve only about 3 miles left to do. I thought I would do a little update whilst walking. Something to kill the time. 

Today has been rather nice. The Suns been out keeping me company along the road side. The roads were a bit killer today, lots of trucks and no path this morning. 

I am very much looking forward to getting back to London but I am also not wishing this to be over to quickly as it’s been a big eye opener to see how the rest of the UK live and putting things on the map in my head.  

There’s just something so nice about walking it’s strange. I feel very attached to it.  Very calm and at one when I walk along the road. Even if I feel tired or bored I still find it ok to walk. I’m not hating it and I don’t think I will get to a point where I hate it. Even if I am exhausted I will still walk. After all tomorrow brings a new day and I carry on until the end. 

Here are a few snaps from my time so far on the road. Some that I’ve missed from the beginning and some recent memories.



And off we go again! 

After a nice day off of resting at the smelly campsite we are on the road again. Away from fly city and out into the countryside, a lot less cows and sheepies and much more agricultural farming now. 

Collecting my leaves along route. Just so much Elder around now, the flowers are in full beam. I will make some cordial in the next coming week or so. 

We have taken a slightly shorter route then planned as it cuts a big chunk out so a lot further ahead of schedule. We walked from Fairburn to Askern to an absolutely wonderful peacef campsite. We need a bit of quiet country nice ness after what we’ve had! Tomorrow we will be making our way through Doncaster, well the outskirts. 

There have been certain little moments that have resparked my joys of the walk when I have been feeling a bit fed up. Today was one of them. I met a lovely lady working at the Co Operative, she was genuinely interested in my story so that was really nice and made me smile. A good end to the day. 

Although I do have a bit of Sciatica in my bum which is a bit of a pain. Just need to rest tonight and have some wine. Wine always helps. 

Hope everyone is enjoying the beginnings of summer I sure am 🙂 

Happy Walking! X

Photo time: 


Thinking out loud… 

Sometimes stepping away from the normality of the daily grind can help one to understand what is important and what is not important in our lives. 

We hold onto possessions and objects, our phones rule us, we are closed and forget to live and breathe the air we are so freely given. 

Instead of rushing from A to B take a moment to see others around us, just stop and say hello to passers by on the street. It is kind. Nature is kind. Don’t constantly look down, glued to your phone, look up, look out, there is so much to see and involve your mind in. 

I hope you agree.